Self-hosted configuration
Wych non-production Data Holder Testing consists on 3 images:
Each of these service can be retrieved from the Wych Public container registry. To access this registery you require credentials. These credentials are available in the service service portal or from you account manager.
The Wych Container Registry (WCR) stores and manages private container images and other artifacts, similar to the way Docker Hub stores public Docker container images. You can use the Docker command-line interface (Docker CLI) to login and pull images from WCR.
Overview #
Tester service is 1:1 with a Data Holder but Register and Register Auth can be shared.
Log in to WCR #
For best practice to manage login credentials, see the docker login command reference:
docker login
A success login with show Login Succeeded once completed.
AU Register Auth #
Lets start by pulling on the AU Register Auth. This service is represents provides the security, infosec, token and key, capabilities of the Register this version has been designed to support Data Holder testing and can be shared by multiple Data Holder and Tester instances but has a 1:1 relationship with the AU register.
Pull the au-register-kc image #
For more information about see au-register-kc, including versions, changelog and configuration parameters.
docker pull[version]
The deploy location of this service (the URL) is a required parameter for the Register service.
AU Register #
Next we will pull the AU register service. This service is represents the ACCC’s AU register service, this version has been designed to support Data Holder testing and so while on an API level it is similar to the ACCC’s service it is fundamentally different in a number of key ways.
Pull the au-register image #
For more information about see au-register, including versions, changelog and configuration parameters.
docker pull[version]
AU Data Holder Tester #
Last service to pull requires the others to be ready, this is the Tester. This service is responsible for running the test scenarios and reporting the results of the audit.
Pull the au-dataholder-tester image #
For more information about see au-dataholder-tester, including versions, changelog and configuration parameters.
docker pull[version]
Docker #
Config #
Key | Description |
WYCH_BASE_URL | The URL of this application, a self reference e.g. |
WYCH_REGISTER_URL | The URL of the register application |
WYCH_REGISTER_AUTH_URL | The URL of register auth application, no trailing slash. |
WYCH_DATASOURCE_JDBC_URL | The database JDBC URL in the form jdbc:postgresql://{{host}}}:{{port}}}/{{db_name}}} |
WYCH_DATASOURCE_USERNAME | The database users name |
WYCH_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD | The database users password |
KC_DB_URL | The register auth’s database JDBC URL in the form jdbc:postgresql://{{host}}}:{{port}}}/{{db_name}}} |
KC_DB_USERNAME | The register auth’s database users name |
KC_DB_PASSWORD | The register auth’s database users password |
DATAHOLDER_RESOURCE_ENDPOINT | The resource endpoint of the Data Holder |
DATAHOLDER_INFOSEC_ENDPOINT | The infosec endpoint of the Data Holder |
DATAHOLDER_ADMIN_ENDPOINT | The admin endpoint of the Data Holder |
DATAHOLDER_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT | The public endpoint of the Data Holder |
Compose #