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User management

Registration #

Out of the box compliance #

When it comes to customer registration Wych’s OpenID compliant authentication and authorisation service - Wych Auth - provides all the necessary tools for businesses to get going with user authentication and registration.

Wych requires an end-user to be registered before a connection journey can begin. User registration can be managed through the Wych Auth system, using email address and password, social login or a business’s existing SSO. As with all Wych services, the out-of-the-box solution is designed to work for the majority of businesses:

  1. User navigates to the app URL
  2. Web app immediately redirects to login
  3. User logs in or registers

Register by API #

It is also possible to register users and log them into the Wych Apps directly. This can enable partners to deep-link into the Wych system without requiring the user to login as they leave one system and go to the next.

Occasionally it is necessary to integrate the consent flow into an existing application. This can be helpful when you are migrating from an existing provider, or working with providers in different regions and want to provide your users with a consistent user experience. In this case, we provide access to the relevant API to retrieve the necessary data for the connection journey. You must meet the mandatory requirements of the CX Guidelines. When the ‘Bring your own consent’ option is used, the new application must be reviewed before launch.

Login Journeys #

Token exchange (Customer) #

Given an existing User or user created via findUserByEmail

  1. Using the client credentials log in
  2. Call the /partner/{partnerId}/app/{appId}/users to find the user and the associated id {userId}
  3. Call the /partner/{partnerId}/app/{appId}/user/{userId}/token

Given an existing User or user created via findUserByEmail

  1. Using the client credentials log in
  2. Call the /partner/{partnerId}/app/{appId}/users to find the user and the associated id {userId}
  3. Call the /partner/{partnerId}/app/{appId}/user/{userId}/token
  4. Send user to link in response
  5. Exchange code for access token

Connection Journey (AU) #

Given a logged in user

  1. Query for dataholders /dataholders
  2. Create a connection /connection POST using a dataholder id and valid scopes (Also needs “openid” in the scope)
  3. Authorize connection /connection/{connectionId}/authorize POST